Dear friends,

thanks for everything,
we worked very hard. I know everyone has taken equal pains, all teaching and non teaching staff and of course the management of Indapur Taluka Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. We  all must be proud of ho'rable *Harshavardhan ji Patil Saheb*, ho'ble *PadmaTai Bhossle*, ho'ble *Mukund Seth Shaha* and all other dignitaries of Mgmt.

Dear friends, I know it was a big herculean task and we all put our hands together and accepted the challenge too.

It was everybody's brain and the hands together.  We should appreciate the pains taken by professor *Ashok Patil* at this age and the pains by  *Sandip Shinde*, of course the IQAC was very strong they all put their criterion wise report very neatly. SSR submitted was really written in proper manner. We should not forget to thank our mentor Dr C Rawal,  and  the friend, philosopher and guide of mine Dr Adsool., Dr Mithare, Dr Pabrekar,  Dr kurup and other friends who loves our college.

     I'm regretting for not writing individual names as I may miss few names  due to constrain of space. and the other reason is I realized everyone worked hard.

     The committee was really     great, highly committed, generous, humble and of  humourous nature. Specially the chairman was really down to earth during his stay.

   Their suggestions to improve our quality of education (Quality is never defined it is to experience) are already explained by learned Prof. Khaja.

Some suggestions  are really simple to be practiced in day to day activities.
One simple thing is to improve language proficiency (English).
So what should be our *modus operandi* to overcome these suggestions.

*We may start writing every thing in English

* henceforth our all notices, instructions  will be in English

*All my conversation in my cabin and with me in all types must be in English.

*I humbly request all of you to implement the same*

I'm not imposing my rules, you may fabricate your own rules for betterment of quality.

Computer literacy will be taken care in due course of time.

We are suffering through financial crunch,
Even salaries of non grant teachers could not be done. The issues are with social welfare ministry.

We have to focus on academic part as we are lagging behind. Attracting students to classes is a big deal for all of us.

 We are the best in co_curricular, extra-curricular and extension activities. I'm again not mentioning all activities as we all are well aware of what we have done?

We must appreciate the time spent by our *secretary* Mukund sheth Shaha during these days inspite of his routine busy schedule.
Let's hope for best rather better than 2.67. our expectations are high as we all were dreaming high. We must not forget ground realities. Please don't blame any one for grading. I'm there to take all responsibilities on my own shoulder s.
*Thanks one again for you kind cooperation and duties you all rendered during accreditation process*.

Sanjay Chakane

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